sexta-feira, 27 de maio de 2016
quarta-feira, 25 de maio de 2016
O primeiro dia da minha primeira peónia
No seu "Out of Africa" Karen Blixen conta a história da sua primeira e única peónia nascida em Africa e lamenta o facto de a ter cortado.
“Once when I was at home, an old lady in Denmark gave me twelve fine peony-bulbs which I brought into the country with me at some trouble, as the import regulations about plants were strict. When I had them planted, they sent up, almost immediately, a great number of dark carmoisin curvilinear shoots, and later a lot of delicate leaves and rounded buds. The first flower which unfolded was called Duchesse de Nemours, it was a large single white peony, very noble and rich, it gave out a profusion of fresh sweet scent. When I cut it and put it in water in my sitting-room, every single white person entering the room stopped and remarked upon it. Why, it was a peony! But soon after this, all the other buds of my plants withered and fell off, and I never got more than that one flower.
Some years later I talked with the English gardener of Lady McMillan, of Chiromo, about peonies. “We have not succeeded in growing peonies in Africa,” he said, “and shall not do so till we manage to make an imported bulb flower here, and can take the seed from that flower. This is how we got Delphinium into the Colony.” In that way I might have introduced peonies into the country and made my name immortal like the Duchesse of Nemours herself; and I had ruined the glory of the future by picking my unique flower and putting it in water.”
“Visitors to the Farm,” Out of Africa"
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Labels: Varanda
sexta-feira, 6 de maio de 2016
As árvores de Lisboa precisam de atenção, apareçam!
Miguel Sepúlveda Velloso, José Sá Fernandes, António Bagão Felix, Susana Neves, Carlos Souto Cruz, Raquel Pires Lopes, Ana Luísa Soares e Sónia Talhé Azambuja, Rui Tujeira, Rui Pedro Lérias...
Vamos falar de árvores!
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quarta-feira, 4 de maio de 2016
domingo, 1 de maio de 2016
Mais um Livro
E aqui tudo tão bem explicado, as pessoas, a natureza, e tudo aquilo que é verdadeiramente importante, leiam pois...
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Labels: Thoreau
Elas andam por aí...
Ophrys apifera Huds.
Cephalanthera longifolia
Epipactis helleborine
Segundo consta e eu acredito, as orquídeas silvestres não são domesticáveis, aparecem e desaparecem apenas quando e onde lhes apetece e ai de quem se atreva a alterar-lhes os planos de vida. No meu jardim aparecem nos lugares mais inusitados, no meio das estradas e caminhos, nos canteiros, no meio do relvado... Para as convencer a ficar tenho de deixar o relvado por cortar, proibir o trânsito automóvel, alterar percursos... Mas vale a pena!
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