sexta-feira, 15 de fevereiro de 2013

A primeira Anémona do Ano

Anemone coronaria

Some plants have, from time immemorial, been much in request from the season or period of their blooming, beyond which fact it is difficult to account for the virtues ascribed to them. Thus, among the Romans, the first anemone of the year, when gathered with this form of incantation, “I gather thee for a remedy against disease,” was regarded as a preservative from fever; a survival of which belief still prevails in our own country:—

“The first spring-blown anemone she in his doublet wove,
To keep him safe from pestilence wherever he should rove.”


1 comentário:

YellowMcGregor disse...

Na minha ignorância, Anémona-(era)-do-mar. Todavia... ambas belíssimas! Obrigado.