terça-feira, 9 de maio de 2006

Cydonia oblonga Mill
QUINCE: a hard, acid, yellowish, pear-shaped fruit. Several kinds are noted in Bradley s Dictionarium Botanicum (1728): the ordinary yellow quince which looks like a cross between an apple and a pear and ‘is sour, harsh, and of an unpleasant Taste, to eat fresh, but being scalded, roasted, baked, or preserved, becometh very pleasant’; the large yellow Portugal quince which ‘is so pleasant, being fresh gather’d, that it may be eaten like an apple without offence’; the smaller Barbary quince; the Lyon’s quince; and the almost round Brunswick quince. (Richard Bradley, 1736)

QUINCE, PORTUGAL, is among the most important and most popular quince varieties, identified by John Gerard and still grown today. (William Ellis, 1750)
Se os marmelos Portugal já foram considerados os melhores do mundo alguém que me explique porque é que temos de comprar marmelos espanhois.

2 comentários:

Living Place disse...

Que encanto!

teresa g. disse...

Pela velha história, suponho: os agricultores portugueses não conseguem ser competitivos, ainda que a qualidade seja melhor!